MC sistemi

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Contacts and schedule of our support

We strive to provide good support to your business

We are at your disposal during office hours from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the phone: +386 1 510 26 90.

Outside office hours you can call emergency support in case of problems that prevent you from working.

Phone number for urgent support every day from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.: +386 51 353 140

If possible, always send request by email to our support email address: 

Price list

Valid price list for service services

The valid price list for service services that are not included in the contractual flat rate for maintenance:

Regular working hours

Service support during regular working hours 8:00-16:00 on weekdays: price with a 30% discount for customers with a maintenance contract: €52.50/hour

Outside regular working hours

Service support outside regular working hours 16:00-21:00 - weekends and holidays included: price with 30% discount for customers with a maintenance contract: €70.00/hour

Night hours

Service support in the night hours 21:00-6:00 by special agreement in advance price with a 30% discount for customers with a maintenance contract: €84.50/hour

Special development projects

Programerska ura in ura strokovnjaka za posebne razvojne projekte po dogovoru:
Cena : 100,00 €/uro